Products offered:

  1. Transport system

    Transport platform for transporting the hives and the method of transporting the hives to the place of harvest. The transport platform allows to transport and handle 12 base hives type Wielkopolski with 2 extensions each on the place of harvesting without removing each hive from the base nest. The transport platform for transporting the hives and the method of transporting the hives to the place of reaping. The objective is to provide a device and method of transporting and handling the hives at the beneficiation site that would eliminate at least some of the following disadvantages. It is preferred that the transport and handling of the hives at the site of the forage is such that it does not significantly interfere with the welfare of the bees, and that it facilitates the handling of the hives by the beekeeper while maintaining safety and ergonomic conditions.

    Our prices:

  2. Smart Beehives

    We have dedicated hives adapted to the Wielkopolska frame to be used on our transport systems.

  3. Artificial honey frame

    Circle-shaped artificial honey collection frame for beehive use. The artificial frame makes it possible to remove the honey without removing the frame from the hive, the artificial frame consists of hexagonal cells and is constructed of four parts, two of which are movable in relation to each other. The moving parts are made of metal (copper) and are moved against the inner walls of the frame, causing the flow of honey from the cells. Knives with a brush for uncapping honey are attached to the outer walls in the middle part.

  4. Apiary management system

    We have an apiary management system in the field of bee breeding and disease control.


Services Offered:

  1. Analysis of available funding

  2. Creating Production and Operations Groups

  3. Preparation of a Business Plan in an IT system

  4. Preparing an Application

  5. Handling corrections/additions/clarifications

  6. Program counseling throughout the term of the contract

  7. Preparation of a payment application
